Calendar & News
Empower Yourself with New Vistas & Rural Health Pathways – Workshop details
CYFD Presents Fostering Love: Family and Friends Dance Party
CYFD Presents Fostering Love: Familay & Friends Dance Party! When: February 15, 5pm-8pm Where: City of Las Vegas, Abe Montoya Recreation Center (1751 N. Grand Avenue, LV NM) Contact: (575) 626-9612
Empower Yourself with New Vistas & Rural Health Pathways
Join our 10-week online workshop, a unique opportunity for individuals with disabilities in rural areas to enhance their quality of life, set meaningful goals, and improve their health. Interested? Contact Kendra Garcia - or 505-695-3840.
State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) is available for public comment from March 29 – APril 30, 2024
The Draft State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) for the fiscal year of 2025-2027 is now available for comment. Please email with your comments, and include “SPIL Comments” in the subject line. State Plan for Independent Living Official...
free 6-week Chronic Pain Self-Management Program workshop
New Vistas is collaborating to present the CPSMP (Chronic Pain Self-Management Program). It is a free 6-week workshop that will happen on Monday's from 1:30pm to 4 pm beginning on April 15th with the last workshop occurring on May 20th. Workshops will be held via...
NM SILC Public Forum meeting on the State Plan for Indenpendent Living
NM SILC Public Forum meeting on the State Plan for Indenpendent LivingLEGAL NOTICEThe New Mexico Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) will hold aState Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) Public Forum1:00 PM on Wednesday January 31st, 2024. LOCATIONThis SPIL...
the early show with alax: ep. 3 tiny humans and healthy growth
Growing - Tiny Humans and Healthy GrowthIn this episode we learn about how babies grow: What happens when? What should families expect? And what should caregivers do if they’re worried? Our guests — Hailey, a researcher, and Mi'raj, a FIT provider — cover healthy...
2023 New Mexico Community Survey
The annual New Mexico Community Survey is being collected now through April 27th Participants must be 18 years or older and live in New Mexico. All surveys are anonymous. It will take you about 15 minutes to complete, so please be prepared for that time frame. You...
Living well in the community 10-week workshop
New Vistas is providing a 10-week workshop for people who want to set goals to support their overall quality of life and well-being. Classes begin on April 6th, 2023 and end on June 8th and go from 1:00pm to 3:30pm.
We Have A Winner
Our Disability Support and Advocacy staff decided that we wanted to have a logo created for youth by youth that we could use for our outreach for youth transition services, which are geared towards helping young adults 14-24 to make the transition out of high school...