Santa Fe National Forest Releases 2022 Forest Plan
SANTA FE, NM – July 29, 2022 – The USDA Forest Service today released the 2022 Santa Fe National Forest (SFNF) Land Management Plan, which reflects the significant economic, social and ecological changes that have occurred in northern New Mexico since the original forest plan was approved in 1987.
“We have worked closely with our communities and our partners to make sure that our new forest plan celebrates the unique historical and cultural legacy of this landscape and applies the best available science to protect the natural resources we all value,” Santa Fe National Forest Acting Supervisor James Duran said. “After many years of collaboration, public engagement and analysis, we now have a comprehensive document that will guide the management of the 1.6 million acres of the Santa Fe National Forest for many more years to come.”
The new land management plan provides direction for the long-term management of the SFNF by emphasizing healthy ecosystems and multiple uses. The plan describes the desired conditions, objectives, standards, and guidelines that will provide the foundation for all future management activities. Plan implementation will support plant and wildlife conservation, grazing, sustainable forest products and a growing recreation industry. Under the new plan, the SFNF is projected to generate a 16% increase in jobs and an estimated $53.5 million in labor income annually.
The SFNF worked closely with the Cibola and Carson National Forests to develop consistent plan components on traditional uses, including grazing, acequias and fuelwood gathering, to better serve the needs of tribes, community land grants and subsistence-based rural communities. The Carson and Cibola National Forests both released their new forest plans earlier this month.
The plan supports partnerships and an “all lands” approach to working across administrative boundaries to accelerate landscape-scale restoration of forested areas and watersheds while mitigating the risk of high-severity wildfire. The plan also improves public access to the forest and preserves the special characteristics of designated areas like wilderness, inventoried roadless areas, and wild and scenic rivers.
The acting Forest Supervisor’s signature on the final record of decision and publication of the Notice of Plan Approval in the Federal Register bring the forest plan revision process to an end. The new land management plan will take effect on August 29, 2022.
“This is a true milestone in the history of the Santa Fe National Forest,” Duran said. “The contributions and collaboration of our many stakeholders, including our tribal partners and our communities, have given us the best possible blueprint to meet our challenges as well as our opportunities.”
The land management plan, final environmental impact statement, final record of decision and other project documents are located on the forest plan revision website. Hard copies of the plan are available at the SFNF headquarters in Santa Fe and all district offices.
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